The true cost of spiritual ignorance

What is Spiritual Ignorance?

Spiritual ignorance is the failure to grasp what Christ has accomplished for us and to understand our new identity in Him. This definition is rooted in the central message Paul promotes throughout his letters, where the emphasis is on our position in Christ and how we are expected to live accordingly. In Ephesians 1:17-19, Paul prays that God would grant believers “the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe” (ESV).

Why Are Believers Spiritually Ignorant?


It may be uncomfortable to accuse believers of laziness, but many hardly engage with the Bible except on Sundays. Without investing time in studying the Word, believers cannot develop spiritual intelligence. In Hebrews 5:12, the writer laments the apathetic attitude of the readers, saying, “we have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain, because you are dull of hearing.” The word “dull” in Greek is “nothroi,” meaning “lazy” or “apathetic,” not necessarily unintelligent. While God has appointed teachers (Ephesians 4:11), every believer has a responsibility to study the Word themselves.

Lack of Competent Teachers

No offense to anyone, but some preachers today fail to meet the standard of competent teaching. Many cannot even distinguish between the New Testament dispensation and the Old Testament. Listening to these pastors shows that they do not fully grasp the impact of Christ’s work, making it difficult for their followers to develop spiritual maturity. In Colossians 1:7, Paul credits the Colossian believers’ understanding of “the grace of God in truth” to the competence and faithfulness of Epaphras.

Entanglement with Modernism, Religion, and Culture

The world today is filled with various philosophies that cloud the truth found in Christ. Our reluctance to reject cultural ideals, religious beliefs, and modern trends stifles the growth God desires for us. The Word of God does not need validation from culture, religion, or modernism to be effective; it stands alone as the ultimate truth.

Failure to Discern

Despite having been saved for years, some believers struggle to discern heresies and false teachings. They are often manipulated by anyone claiming to be a preacher. This spiritual blindness stems from a lack of deep engagement with Scripture and an unwillingness to mature beyond elementary teachings. As a result, they are easily swayed by charismatic figures or persuasive words that sound appealing but are devoid of biblical truth. This lack of a strong scriptural foundation leaves them vulnerable to deception and spiritual instability.

Prevalence of Heresies

The 21st-century believer is ironically one of the most “civilized,” yet the most susceptible to deception. As outlined in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, many believers are “lovers of money” and “lovers of pleasure” who fail to study the Word but binge-watch Netflix, with some still wondering if Christians should watch Netflix. Some pastors in the United States teach heresies, such as the idea that unmarried individuals can engage in sexual relations as long as they claim to be in love. This teaching appeals to many, including Christians who identify as “born again.” According to a Pew Research study, 47% of Black Protestants and 35% of White Evangelicals support cohabitation without plans for marriage. Such heresies spread by prosperity preachers contribute to the spiritual ignorance of many believers.

Lack of Discipleship

Some believers lack proper guidance after accepting Christ. This problem occurred in Galatia, where Paul rebuked the church for returning to legalism. The believers, influenced by Jewish traditions, tried to live out their salvation by observing the law (Galatians 3). Sadly, the lack of emphasis on true discipleship in many churches today leads to spiritual ignorance. Many church leaders claim to have discipleship programs, but these often focus on irrelevant teachings instead of helping believers grow into the character of Christ.

What Are the Dangers of Spiritual Ignorance?

Vulnerable to Deception

In Ephesians 4:13, Paul says that only by reaching unity in faith and the “knowledge of the Son of God” will we “no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching.” A believer who knows their position in Christ is impossible to deceive or manipulate.

Spiritual Stagnation

Our spiritual maturity depends on our “knowledge of the Son of God.” The more we understand our position in Christ, the more spiritually intelligent we become. Without deep knowledge of Christ, believers risk remaining spiritually immature, unable to withstand the challenges of faith. This ignorance prevents them from fully experiencing the transformative power of the Gospel and from impacting the world around them. Spiritual stagnation not only affects personal growth but also limits their ability to disciple others or engage in effective ministry.

Lack of Discernment

Without a deep understanding of Scripture, believers struggle to recognize God’s will for their lives. They may find it difficult to distinguish between truth and error, especially when faced with conflicting teachings. This lack of discernment leads to poor decisions that are out of alignment with God’s plan. Such believers may follow false teachings, trust in unbiblical ideas, or make decisions based on emotions instead of truth, resulting in confusion and spiritual disillusionment.

Weak Faith in Trials

Spiritual ignorance severely affects a believer’s ability to endure trials with faith and perseverance. Without a solid understanding of God’s promises, believers may struggle to find hope in suffering. They may not recognize that trials are part of God’s refining process, nor understand that He is with them through every challenge. Lacking knowledge of the power of prayer and God’s sovereignty, they may falter in times of testing, feeling overwhelmed and abandoned. This weak faith leads to anxiety, doubt, and fear, rather than firm trust in God’s ability to work all things for their good.

How to Overcome Spiritual Ignorance

Be Intentional About Studying the Word

There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity other than consistent Bible study. It will cost time, but it will protect you from the dangers of heretical teachings. Spiritual intelligence requires effort. For instance, writing this article took two hours of searching through Scriptures—not because I type slowly, but because I had to carefully look up each reference. We cannot have both laziness and spiritual intelligence; we must choose one.

Quit Your Church if It’s Not Christ-Centered

Doctrine is not something to take lightly. Paul told Timothy to “Be careful in your life and in your teaching” (1 Timothy 4:16). If your pastor focuses on making life better, overcoming generational curses, and other teachings that do not align with your identity in Christ, then it’s time to leave. A church should center its teaching on the person and work of Christ and how believers are called to live in Him.

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